Knowledge as an obstacle to learning

With today’s omnipresent media it seems that the average person knows more than ever before in human history. Google searches, wikipedia articles, and countless online news sites make huge amounts […]

Learning how to Learn

One of the “meta” topics that I’m most interested in is learning. Learning about new subjects and learning new skills is great but learning how to learn is even better. […]

Science Illustration

Here is an example of one of my illustrations. My diversity of interests, unique perspective, and holistic outlook have frequently complicated my search for a clearly defined career in today’s […]

My Fermentation Journey

Fibers and fruit skins floated on top of the bubbly, purple liquid. It must be vino de uvita by now I thought. My friend Alonso and I strained out enough of […]

Marley’s Background Essay

Every aspect of a person is a reflection of their experiences. What we have seen, heard, or done makes us who we are. One of the most important influences on […]