Challenge Day Three: Blind Contour Drawing

Have you ever done blind contour drawings before? Today’s Prompt: “Three blind contour drawings in three minutes” Blind contour drawing might be the single best exercise for improving your drawings. […]

Challenge Day Two: Seasonal Nature Journaling

What is seasonal nature journaling? Today’s Prompt: “Seasonal” Sometimes, a little ambiguity in a prompt leaves you with more creative potential. However, many artists have also pointed to the usefulness […]

Nature Journaling Challenge: Day One

Today is the first day of September and the first day of the Wild Wonder Nature Journaling Challenge! Today’s Prompt: “Write about your nature journaling intentions for September” What do […]

Thirty Day Nature Journaling Challenge!

To add to the fun for September I have created a thirty day nature journaling challenge! This is meant to inspire people in the nature journal club and beyond to […]

Flower Pressing and Nature Journaling

Another example of flower pressing and nature journaling that shows several common weedy plants that have been attached in using mod podge and using mod podge as a protective sealant.

Have you combined flower pressing and nature journaling yet? If not you are in for a super fun surprise! Pressing flowers and nature journaling can be a liberating, crafty, botanical […]