Marley is a nature journaler and an educator. He longs for a reintegration of art with science and words with images, a synthesis that he develops in his journals. Nature Journaling became a fundamental practice for Marley when he discovered how it could synthesize his interests and accelerate his learning. As an educator, Marley is constantly sharing, inspiring, and provoking learning in nature and on paper.
Experience: Over 10 years teaching, nature journal expeditions on 3 continents, more than 500 free educational videos online. Fluent in Spanish, well-traveled.
Collaboration: Do you want to enhance the level of creativity, visual problem-solving, and observation skills at your school or organization? Do you want someone to train your educators in how to use nature journaling? Marley has trained teachers and helped launch nature journaling initiatives in California, the Amazon, Costa Rica and the Galapagos.
Approach: Do you want a fun, rich, holistic learning experience? I combine engaging whole-brain activities with a healthy dose of cross-cutting concepts and transferable skills, sprinkled with meta-cognitive exercises. Get a free taste in my weekly Nature Journal Show.
Field Classes I have Taught:
Intro to Nature Journaling for Rutgers University students and staff. Taught three intro classes open to students and staff of the University. Average class size of 12 participants. (October 2024)
Nature Journal Beach Vacation! A week long immersive nature journaling experience with ten participants. Designed, marketed, organized, and taught by Marley at Hotel Playa Negra in the seasonally dry forest of Northwestern Costa Rica. This will be a yearly offering. (December 2024)
Introduction to nature journaling for nature educators and guides at the Panama Rainforest Discovery Center (in Spanish) (November 2024)
Introduction to nature journaling for teen environmental club (in Spanish), Mata Oscura Panamá. (November 2024)
Introduction to Nature Journaling field class at Pepperwood Preserve, Santa Rosa California. 22 students. (August 2024)
Andes to Amazon Nature Journaling Adventure. Ten day long expedition with eleven participants from the high altitude Páramo ecosystems all the way down to the Ecuadorean Amazon. Marley designed, organized and marketed the trip and provided nature journaling exercises and coaching along the way. In collaboration with Nancy Miorelli from SciBugs. This will be a yearly offering. (July 2024)
Nature Journaling Class at Bouverie Wildflower Preserve, Audobon Canyon Ranch in Sonoma, California. (April 2024)
“Nature Journaling Plants, Beyond Botanical Illustration” lecture and field class in the Anza Borrego Desert of Southern California. (February 2024)
Nature Journal Beach Vacation! A week long immersive nature journaling experience with ten participants. Designed, marketed, organized, and taught by Marley at Hotel Playa Negra in the seasonally dry forest of Northwestern Costa Rica. This will be a yearly offering. (December 2023)
How to Use Nature Journaling in School Garden Programs. Teacher training with the School Garden Network. Marin, California. (October 2023)
Youth Leader Training: How to Use Nature Journaling in Outdoor Learning Experiences. Taught in Spanish to a group of 20 students. Collaboration with ECOS Galapagos. (July 2023)
How to Nature Journal. Introductory Course for Biology Students at Institute for Tropical Ecology and Conservation, Bocas del Toro, Panama (January 2023)
Nature Journaling for Beginners field trip. Balboa Park, San Diego (December 2022)
Introductory Nature Journaling and How to Teach Nature Journaling for University Student Volunteers. San Cristobal Island, Galapagos. (Spanish) (June 2022)
Nature Journaling and Nature-Based Learning Field trip for Special Needs Kids. Collaboration with Galapagos Infinito. Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos. (Spanish) (June 2022)
“Capacitación Para Docentes: Utilizando Herramientas Del Diario de Naturaleza con Estudiantes muy jovenes o Pre-Alfabetizados” Training in Spanish for public school teachers working with pre-literate kids. Offered twice. Isabela island, Galapagos.(June 2022)
“Taller de Diario de Naturaleza: Educadores No-Formales” How to Teach Nature Journaling. Spanish Language class for environmental educators in the Galapagos. Taught at the Charles Darwin Research Station, Santa Cruz Island, Galapagos. (June 2022)
How to Teach Nature Journaling class for School Garden Network (June 2021)
Introduction to Nature Journaling class for the Laguna Foundation (June 2021)
Nature Journaling for Beginners class for Pepperwood Preserve (April 2021)
Observation and Nature Journaling Techniques for Prescribed Fire Professionals, TREX Quincy, California: (March 2020) Marley taught adapted nature journaling techniques to ecologists, foresters, fire fighters, and prescribed burn specialists during the Nature Conservancy Prescribed Fire Training Exchange Program. Marley also co-facilitated a nature journaling class for the community in a post burn area with Laurie Wigham of the San Francisco Urban Sketchers. On the last day of the program Marley participated nature journaling alongside the Fire Effects Monitors (FEMOs) during the prescribed burn.
Introduction to Nature Journaling in Spanish “Aprendamos a Crear un Diario de Naturaleza” in collaboration with Vamos Afuera/ Landpaths and the Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation (February 2020) Marley taught the first even nature journaling class in Spanish in the United States in collaboration with Vamos Afuera.
North Bay Nature Journal Club: (Monthly: 2016-2020. Hiatus during Covid-19)
Nature Journaling The Coastal Dunes at Wild Wonder Conference (September 2019)
Open Your Eyes With Nature Journaling at Pepperwood Preserve (August 2019)
Nature Journaling and Intentional Curiosity for Kids at Sonoma Country Day School 3rd Grade (August 2019)
Introduction to Nature Journaling: Point Reyes National Seashore Association Field Institute (April 2019)
Tracking Animal Sign and Bird Language at the Laguna de Santa Rosa Foundation (June 2018)
Open Your Eyes With Nature Journaling at Santa Rosa Junior College (Spring 2017)
Plant Illustration Workshop at Lake Merritt: California Center for Natural History (August 2016)
Wildlife Tracking for Families at Lake Merritt: California Center For Natural History(May 2016)
Talks, Virtual Classes and Indoor Workshops:
Gave lecture on “Nature Journaling and Tropical Studies” at the Rutgers Tropical Studies Symposium. (October 2024)
“Nature Journaling and Human Ecology” lecture for the Human Ecology Brown Bag lunch at Rutgers University. (October 2024)
Taught a segment of the online Rutgers Nature Journaling Class, the only university level nature journaling class at the time of writing. Collaborated with Dr Lena Struwe and Dr Mary Nucci. (October 2024)
Taught “Scrapbooking and Art Journaling Techniques for Nature Journaling” online to an audience of 400+ students at the Wild Wonder Nature Journaling Conference (September 2024)
Taught Nature Journal Teacher training workshop for Educators and Naturalist Guides at the Charles Darwin Research Station in Galápagos. Collaboration with Galápagos Infinito (July 2024)
Taught four teacher trainings in Spanish for the Organization for Tropical Studies at four of their science field station locations across Costa Rica including the University of Costa Rica. How to use nature journaling for nature educators and conservation professionals. (November-December 2023)
Six weeks nature journaling and science comics offering in Spanish at “El Mangle Agile Learning Cooperative” in the highlands of Santa Cruz Island Galápagos(June-July 2023)
Skillshare class filmed, edited and produced by Marley on location in the Anza Borrego Desert. “Drawing Desert Plants and Landscapes” Virtual Adventure. (February 2023)
“El diario de naturaleza como un nuevo nicho turístico” Live presentation for PAU Tena, Ecuadorean Biodiversity institute and Urban Ornis. (September 2022)
“Nature Journaling for Beginners” Virtual Workshop with over 500 students at the Wild Wonder Nature Journaling Conference. (September 2022)
“Que es el diario de naturaleza y como puede ayudarte ser mejor pajarero” (Spanish) “What is nature journaling and how it can make you a better birder.” Presentation given at the second annual Amazonian Birding Festival of Misahuallí. Puerto Misahuallí, Napo province Ecuador. (August 2022)
Introductory Nature Journaling Class for Homeschool Children at “El Mangle: Agile Learning Cooperative” (Spanish) Santa Cruz, Galapagos. (July 2022)
Introduction to Nature Journaling and Giving Feedback for Homeschool parents at “El Mangle: Agile Learning Cooperative” (Spanish) Santa Cruz, Galapagos. (July 2022)
“Taller de Diario De Naturaleza: Biblioteca Comunitaria de Puerto Ayora.” In person workshop with children in collaboration with the Community Library of Puerto Ayora, Galapagos. Introductory class to nature journaling. (July 2022)
“Qué es el diario de naturaleza y como incorporarlo” What is Nature Journaling and How to Incorporate it. Spanish language Training videos and presentation for all ~400 public school teachers in the Galapagos. Collaboration with Galapagos Conservancy, Ecology Project International, and Galapagos Infinito. (June 2022)
International Nature Journaling Week (online) “Confidence and Nature Journaling” (June 2022)
Appalachian Trail Conservancy Emerging Leaders Virtual Summit: “Nature Journaling: A Powerful Tool for Learning and Change” (August 2021)
Wild Wonder Nature Journaling Conference (online): “How to foster community and start a nature journal club” also facilitated several breakout groups on language, inclusion, and diversity in the nature journaling community (June 2021)
Nature Journaling Educator’s Conference (online): “How to teach before you are ready” how being a nature journaling beginner can benefit your teaching.
“Nature Journaling for Gardeners” Presented online for the Bellevue Botanical Garden. (April 2021)
“Top Ten Journaling Techniques for Teens” Presented online to the entire student body of Cypress Charter High School, Santa Cruz California. (February 2021)
Wild Wonder Nature Journaling Conference Online: “Nature Journaling Mindset” Online class attended by over 500 students. ( Fall of 2020)
The Nature Journal Club: “The Secret Language of Nature: Tracking For Nature Journalers” October 2019
Wild Wonder Nature Journaling Conference: “Mindset: Psychological Tips, Tricks, and Motivation for every artist.” (September 2019)
Monterey Bay Audobon Society: “How Drawing Birds Can Make You A Better Birder” (September 2019)
West Valley College and California Native Plant Society:”Wildflowers Through the Lens of Nature Journaling: Beyond Botanical Art”(April 2019)
Sebastopol Rotary Club: “Art, Education, and Entrepreneurship: The Evolution of a Personal Brand” (April 2019)
Science Buzz Cafe: “Journaling: Still the Most Powerful Learning Technology” (November 2018)
Monterey Bay Birding Festival “Drawing Birds Lecture and Field Sketching (September 2019)
Graphic Facilitation for Jim Sullivan’s “Animal Tracking and Bird Language” at Santa Rosa Junior College (Spring 2016 Fall 2017)
Lectured on “Traditional Mayan Agriculture, Food Security, and Free Trade” San Diego City College Chicano Studies Department (2008)
Research Projects, Illustrations, Collaborations, and Expeditions:
Tree Climbing and Canopy Access Intensive and qualitative biodiversity surveys at the Institute for Tropical Ecology and Conservation in Bocas del Toro Archipelago Panama. Three weeks refreshing canopy access techniques and conducting biodiversity surveys in the canopy and ground level. Developing nature journaling techniques and filming techniques for the canopy. (Dec 2024-January 2025)
Eco Cuentos Panamá Artist Residency. Two weeks residency developing illustrations, teaching workshops, and creating video content in collaboration with Eco Cuentos Panamá and Tanager Eco Services. Mariato Panamá.(November 2024)
Nature Journaling and Filming on Coiba Island, Panamá. Nature journaling and filming videos and informal biodiversity survey using iNaturalist on the largest island on the pacific coast south of Vancouver island. Creating in situ illustrations and videos in this unique and understudied ecosystem. (November 2024)
Nature Journal Infographics for the Anza Borrego Desert Natural History Association. Marley created four composite illustrations depicting various aspects of desert ecology for a signage project to be installed in Anza Borrego. (August 2024)
Baja California Intertidal Study and development of “Gonzo” nature journaling practices in Punta Mazo preserve and the Sierra de San Pedro Martir. Marley nature journaled the scientific work of local biologists working with endangered abalone as well as scientists from the Multi-Agency Rocky Intertidal Network doing a long term survey on intertidal species and climate change. Marley developed a publication of the trip that you can see here. (May 2024)
Three day nature journaling expedition in Carrizo Plains National Monument searching for the endangered Blunt-Nosed Leopard Lizard. (April 2024)
Nature journaling expedition, filming, and qualitative biodiversity surveys at the Organization for Tropical Studies field stations in Las Cruces and La Selva biological station Costa Rica. (see field classes section for the teacher trainings that Marley offered with the OTS that year.) (November-December 2023)
Nature journaling solo expedition and filming in Colombia. Taganga and Minca in the Santa Marta mountain range. (November 2023)
Illustration of watershed biodiversity, erosion control, and fuel load management options for Occidental Arts and Ecology Water Institute video. Collaborated with Coldwater Collective production company to film timelapse drawing video to be used in final video. Developed other hand drawn assets to be used in production.(September 2023)
Tree Climbing and Canopy Access Intensive and qualitative biodiversity surveys at the Institute for Tropical Ecology and Conservation in Bocas del Toro Archipelago Panama. Three weeks learning canopy access techniques and conducting biodiversity surveys in the canopy and ground level. Focus on Botany and Herpetology. Practiced bringing nature journaling supplies and filming videos in the canopy up to 25 meters off the ground.(January 2023)
Nature journaling expedition and qualitative biodiversity surveys at La Selva Biological Station in Sarapiqui Costa Rica and Las Cruces Station in San Vito Costa Rica. Investigating potential for introducing nature journaling to the educational resources of the Organization of Tropical Studies. (November 2022)
Collaborated with PAU Tena of the Cornell Lab of Ornithology Urban Ornis program to teach nature journaling to indigenous Kichwa kids at the Sinchi Warmi conservation project. (October 2022)
Eight days nature journaling in an observation tower at Sumak Kawsay in Situ Science Field Station. (October 2022)
Four days nature journaling in Chiriboga, Choco cloudforest investigating conservation potential of alternative cattle ranching techniques and avi-tourism potential on small family farms. (October 2022)
Collaborated with the Fundación Herpetológica Gustavo Orces to develop illustrations for community education around venomous snakes and herpetofauna biodiversity. (September 2022)
Collaborated with the Nature Guides Association of Napo Province to investigate options for combining nature journaling approaches with avi-tourism. Introduced dozens of Ecuadorean guides to the concept of nature journaling.(August 2022)
Nature Journaling Choco Andino Cloudforest and Ecuadorean Andes: Five day extension of the Galapagos trip. Guiding, managing group safety, translating and negotiating with tour agency, and offering nature journaling lessons. (July 2022)
Nature Journaling Voyage Galapagos: Seven-day nature journaling trip by boat navigating around the archipelago and landing on nine islands and islets. Marley was assistant to John Muir Laws but had to take the reigns of the trip after the second day. Guiding, managing group safety, translating, and offering nature journaling lessons. (July 2022)
Developing Nature Journaling Curriculum in the Galapagos: For three months Marley nurtured relationships, investigated opportunities, and collaborated with a network of key organizations to develop and offer a wide range of nature jouranling resources for all four inhabited islands. (May-July 2022)
Nature Journaling Multi-Bioregion, Costa Rica: Nature Journaling, doing citizen science and filming educational videos in four major bioregions of Costa Rica: Mangrove Estuaries and Seasonally Dry Tropical Forest of Guanacaste Province, High Altitude Cloud Forest of Heredia Province, Lowland Tropical Rainforest of Caribbean Coast of Limón Province, and Tropical Rainforest of Osa Peninsula, Puntarenas Province. (November-December 2021)
Grand Canyon Rafting Expedition, Arizona: – Nature Journaling for 21 days during a full transit of the navigable portion of the Grand Canyon. Sketching and documenting the geology, landscapes, and biological resources along the entire transit of the canyon. Rigorously testing materials and gear in harsh conditions including sketching and note taking through the whitewater, under waterfalls, at night, on arduous hikes, and extreme weather conditions. (October 2020)
Photo by Brock Dolman
Mid-Klamath Watershed, California: – Nature Journaling at TREX prescribed fire training exchange (Fall 2019). Sketching and journaling near live fires with fire professionals showing how the nature journaling approach can provide a useful observation and communication tool to fire professionals. Also nature journaled about Karuk tribe’s cultural burning practices and learned about how they are restoring their ecosystems through fire. In collaboration with The Nature Conservancy Prescribed Fire Training Exchange, Yurok and Karuk Tribes, the Western Klamath Restoration Partnership, National Forest Service, and Bureau of Land Management.
Tanzania Round Two: – Nature Journal Safari: assisted John Muir Laws (July 2019) – Ethnographic Nature Journaling and daily tracking with Hadzabe Hunter Gatherers, one of the last hunter gatherer tribes on the planet(July 2019)
Carrizo Plain, California: – Nature Journaling CA native wildflowers and birds, tracking (April 2019)
Ecuador: -Nature Journaling Biodiversity Project “Intertropical Impressions” also nature journaling in Sapara tribal territory on a tributary of the Amazon. (January 2017)
Costa Rica: -Sustainable living research project and watershed diet, research of traditional food-ways, food security, and edible biodiversity (2006-2008) -Research and promotion of Brosimum alicastrum and other resilient/culturally appropriate food-crops (2006-2008)
Chiapas, Guatemala, Nicaragua: -Independent research on indigenous food production systems, food auto-sufficiency, and edible biodiversity, including visits to Zapatista agroecology programs near Oventic, Chiapas. (Summer 2005)
Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico: -Participant observation and ethnographic research of traditional Mayan agriculture for UCSC Anthropology thesis. (Summer 2005)
Conferences and Events:
Rutgers Tropical Studies Symposium. First annual. Gave lecture on how nature journaling can play a role in tropical studies abroad programs. (October 2024)
Wild Wonder Nature Journaling Conference 2024 (online): Taught “Scrapbooking Techniques for Nature Journalers” to over 400 live students. Also attended all the classes and keynotes over the course of the 5 day conference and reported on them on The Nature Journal Show YouTube channel. Also interviewed many of the teachers and the speakers. Also facilitated several zoom breakout rooms on the topic of language diversity and inclusion in the nature journaling community.
Wild Wonder Nature Journaling Conference 2023: Was a panelist in the “Nature Journaling Adventures Panel” and facilitated a conversation about “Nature Journal Supplies Panel.” (September 2023)
Wild Wonder Nature Journaling Conference 2022: presented a class called “Nature Journaling for Beginners.” (September 2022)
Amazonian Birding Festival in Misahuallí, Napo, Ecuador: “”What is nature journaling and how it can make you a better birder.” Presented in Spanish( August 2022)
Appalachian Trail Conservancy Emerging Leaders Virtual Summit: “Nature Journaling: A Powerful Tool for Learning and Change” (August 2021)
International Nature Journaling Week (online): “Unlock the power of your curiosity through questions” (June 2021)
Wild Wonder Nature Journaling Conference (online): “How to foster community and start a nature journal club” also facilitated several breakout groups on language and diversity in the nature journaling community (June 2021)
Nature Journaling Educator’s Conference (online): “How to teach before you are ready” how being a nature journaling beginner can benefit your teaching.
Wild Wonder Nature Journaling Conference: “Mindset: Psychological Tips, Tricks, and Motivation for every artist.” (September 2019) 45th Annual Wildflower Show: California Native Plant Sociey: Santa Clara Valley Chapter (April 2019) Monterey Bay Birding Festival: How to Draw Birds Lecture and Field Study (September 2018) Bioneers Conference: Sketch-noting and OAEC Seed Exchange (October 2018) Oakland Nature Festival: How to Draw Skulls (October 2016) Acorn Primitive Skills Gathering: Animal Tracking and Awareness Runs (March 2014-Present) Buckeye Gathering: Tracking, Awareness, Nature Journaling (April/May 2015-2016)
Point Reyes National Seashore Association Field Institute
University of California Santa Cruz Sustainability Office
California Native Plant Society
West Valley College Saratoga California
Santa Rosa Junior College Community Education
Coyote Camp
Weaving Earth: Center for Relational Education
Golden Nectar Farm
San Diego City College Urban Farm
El Centro Verde, Ecological Center
UC Santa Cruz Education for Sustainable Living Program
UC Santa Cruz Program in Community and Agroecology
Awards and Scholarships:
Marjorie Kerr Schaffer Most Creative Sketchbook Award Santa Rosa Junior College (June 2016) Riley Street Art Award (June 2016) Patricia Maggiora Memorial Art Scholarship (June 2016) Cybertracker Track and Sign Level III, Evaluated By David Moskowitz (April 2015) Second place at “Signs of Passage” art show at Riskpress gallery in Sebastopol (February 2014)
Forest Canopy Access Techniques Refresher and Certification. Three week tree climbing intensive and testing to achieve certificate. Also received tree climbing facilitator certificate.
Forest Canopy Access Techniques: Three week tree climbing intensive. Institute for Tropical Ecology and Conservation (January 2023)
Place-Based Learning Intensive with Ecology Project International and Galapagos Infinito. June 2022
Tracking and Nature Connection: Regenerative Design Institute 2013. Sustainable Agriculture Certificate Program: Santa Rosa Junior College 2008-2010 BA in cultural anthropology, with honors: University of California at Santa Cruz 2006. Thesis Topic: Sustainability of Traditional Mayan Agriculture and Agro-biodiversity in the Yucatán
“If you do not rest upon the good foundation of nature, you will labor with little honor and less profit.”