Setback or Opportunity?
Follow me in this video as I explain some of the ideas that have emerged while I'm dealing with recent surgery to my wrist. As an artist, writer, and nature
Practice in Adverse Conditions
This video is meant to entertain and motivate you to learn faster, try harder, and push your edges...
Eaten Alive to Save the Jungle?
I recently finished reading "Mother of God," by the guy who tried to get himself swallowed by an anaconda on the Discovery Channel. I must admit, I did not know
Nature Journaling Supplies: What You Need and What You Do Not
People always ask me what nature journaling supplies they should have in their nature journaling kit. Right now, I show you the most important and least important things that I
Back to the Beach
I grew up under the influence of the ocean--between San Diego California and Guanacaste Costa Rica-- and with a surfer for a dad--I was set. Off to college at UC
A Tracking Companion
I'm really excited about my new tracking book! You can check it out by clicking below: A Tracking Companion By Marley Peifer
Book Review: How to Change Your Mind
I listened avidly to the audiobook version of Michael Pollan's new book and finished it in two days ( I got it the day it came out). This book is
Book Review: The Four Hour Workweek
Regardless of whether working four hours a week is possible or even desirable this book presents a refreshing perspective that is intrinsically valuable. The "Four Hour Workweek" by Timothy Ferriss
Michael Pollan on Psychedelics
Michael Pollan is one of my favorite authors to take up the task of examining human-nature relationships. He examines ways in which nature and culture intersect on the most basic
Specialization is for Insects
"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall,
Learn Faster: Nature Journaling in Information Dense Environments
Here is a practical technique that you can apply to learning almost any new skill but is especially useful for nature artists and nature journalers! I have been unintentionally doing