How To Draw Standing Up
Learning how to draw standing up can make you a better artist in addition to multiplying your drawing opportunities! Here, I describe several mistakes you are probably making right now
Nature Observation: How to See More With Your Nature Journal
Nature observation used to be essential for your survival. You would not be here today if your ancestors were not observant. This was the case for most of human history.
How to Nature Journal in 10 Steps
Do you want to learn how to nature journal? Do you want to avoid the most common beginner mistakes? Right now, I show you 10 steps to getting started with
Bullet Journal Review and the 7 Benefits of Journaling
Have you heard of the Bullet Journal? Six months ago I bit the bullet and decided to try this journaling system. Since then I have journaled every day and analyzed
Nature Hobbies in Your Journal
Do you have nature hobbies or art hobbies beside nature journaling? Have you ever wanted to bring your nature journal along to your other hobby? In this video, I try
Pets in Your Nature Journal
Pets and nature journaling are a match made in heaven. If you have a pet and you have not nature journaled them yet then you are missing out! In this
Avocado Seed Journaling in Your Nature Journal: 100 Days
Have you ever sprouted an avocado seed? What if you journaled an avocado seed's germination for 100 days? In this video, I interview Kate Rutter who did just that! She
Nature Journaler Interview
As a nature journaler I am always curious how others got started nature journaling. And what about you? Do you ever wonder about the story behind the nature journalers whose
Tree Drawing In Your Nature Journal
Tree drawing is a cornerstone of nature art in general and nature journaling in particular. When you learn how to draw trees better your sketchbook or nature journal will improve
Nature Journaling For Kids and Families
Nature journaling for kids could be the solution for your summer. Are your kids already bouncing off the walls at home? Are you worried about them losing focus, losing momentum,
Landscape Drawing In Your Nature Journal-With Charcoal!
Do you want to practice landscape drawing while improving your nature sketches? If so, practicing drawing landscapes with charcoal can help you. First, and most importantly, drawing with charcoal will
Nature Comics to Show Action in Your Nature Journal
Have you ever witnessed an exciting event in nature? An action even that you could not represent in your nature journal? If so, then nature comics might be the perfect