Fly in: December 1st.
Fly out: December 8th.
Palo Verde Extension Fly out: December 12th.
Liberia airport in Costa Rica is very chill yet is usually easy to get international flights into. Below is an example of several round trip flights into Liberia that I just found.
If you can only find tickets for flying into San Jose Costa Rica you will have to spend a few hours in a taxi or bus getting to Liberia. If this is your only option please contact me and I can try to find you a good driver. A private car will probably cost you $200 or so.
We have enough people to run the trip as of August 15th.
If you are joining the Palo Verde extension you should buy return tickets for December 12th.
If you want to travel around more on your own while you are in Costa Rica I highly encourage it. You can just tag on time before or after the Nature Journal Beach Vacation.