Explore Sunset at the Laguna!

In December we will meet at the Laguna de Santa Rosa trail during the most exciting and most beautiful time of day! The crepuscular hours are when many raptors can be seen hunting and many mammals are out in the open. Every time I walk this trail near sunset I'm surprised by how many birds […]

Capture the Beauty of Bodega Head!

For the month of February, the North Coast Nature Journal Club will be heading out to Bodega Head in Sonoma County! I am really excited about the opportunities that this spot will provide. We will focus on techniques for drawing and painting quick landscapes and how to crop and choose a good composition.  There are […]

Discover the Grove of Old Redwoods

For the month of March, the North Coast Nature Journal Club will be discovering the grove of old redwood trees in Occidental! I am  excited about the journaling opportunities at this forested location. We will focus on techniques for drawing ferns, trees, and simplifying bark patterns. We will also be on the lookout for interesting […]

Sketch and Journal at Shell Beach!

In the month of April, the North Coast Nature Journal club will be heading back to the beautiful ocean with our sketchbooks and watercolors as well as our observation skills and our learning intentions. This site will provide a perfect opportunity for practicing the drawing of compelling landscape scenes including rocks, water, and coastal bluffs. […]

Discover Sonoma Mountain!

In the month of May, the North Coast Nature Journal club will be heading into the beautiful wooded hills east of Santa Rosa with our sketchbooks and watercolors as well as our observation skills and our learning intentions. This site is incredibly gorgeous this time of year, with verdant oaks,  lofty redwoods, dramatic creekbeds and […]

Tracking Animal Sign and Bird Language at the Laguna!

I love the Laguna de Santa Rosa in Sonoma County, and on June third I get to teach tracking and bird language there with the Laguna Foundation. My all time record for most species of raptors I have seen in one hour happened there! Because of the riparian areas there is also a large diversity […]


Survey Salmon Creek Beach!

In June, the North Coast Nature Journal Club will head to one of my favorite spots, South Salmon Creek Beach! This is a very fun location to observe coastal sand dunes, wetlands, waterbirds, and to explore animal tracks including a resident family of red foxes! We won't hike long distances but the terrain is slightly […]

Low Tide Adventure at Shorttail Gulch!

In July, we will hike a little-known trail through prime owl habitat down to a beautiful cove with shorebirds and tidal rocks! There are also great wildflowers, raptors, and hummingbirds along the way. This is one of my favorite new spots to nature journal in all of the North Bay. We will be there during […]

Enjoy the Beauty of Bodega Head!

In August, we will escape the heat and head to the  majestic coastal bluffs of Bodega Head! This is a great place to learn about the local geology that underlies our region. It is also a great place to practice the rock drawing skills that we learned in June at Shorttail Gulch. There are some […]

Draw Majestic Elk and Epic Landscapes!

In September we will hike out on Tomales Point in Marin County to see the elk herds during their rut and enjoy the overall epic scenes! The Tule elk will be on their most dramatic behavior this time of year and we will get an opportunity to document it in our journals. Last year it […]