Do you want a fun and creative way to connect with a place and create a memory? Painting small landscapes is the answer. In this video I have ten tips to help you paint better landscapitos.
- Be intentional about framing your subject (what elements of the landscape do you actually want to include in your painting?)
- Sketch the composition in a pale ink or pencil
- Give yourself a short time limit!
Don’t forget to keep the painting small!
- Simplify your landscapito so that there are only 3-4 different values (light and dark).
- Use warm and saturated colors sparingly to draw attention to focal points.
- Double check the values in your painting and make sure the sky is the lightest value in the landscape.
- To give the illusion of depth the elements should become less dark, less saturated, and less detailed as they fade into the distance.
- Don’t overdo “wet-on-wet” painting techniques.