I’m Working Hard and Loving It
I include a lot of my thoughts, feelings, and routines on a roadtrip to teach at the Monterey Bay Birding Festival. I talk about my growing conviction that this kind […]
Capture the Essence of California Oak Savanna
In the month of October the north coast nature journal club will be exploring the rolling hills and oak savanna of Helen Putnam Regional Park near Petaluma. We will practice […]
Second Chance Elk Rut!
EVENT CANCELLED due to likelihood of smoke!!! If you want some nature journaling home study inspiration or exercises for this weekend please email me: marley339@gmail.com. I will also probably […]
Eaten Alive to Save the Jungle?
I recently finished reading “Mother of God,” by the guy who tried to get himself swallowed by an anaconda on the Discovery Channel. I must admit, I did not know […]
Book Review: How to Change Your Mind
I listened avidly to the audiobook version of Michael Pollan’s new book and finished it in two days ( I got it the day it came out). This book is […]
Michael Pollan on Psychedelics

Michael Pollan is one of my favorite authors to take up the task of examining human-nature relationships. He examines ways in which nature and culture intersect on the most basic […]
Learn Faster: Nature Journaling in Information Dense Environments
Here is a practical technique that you can apply to learning almost any new skill but is especially useful for nature artists and nature journalers! I have been unintentionally doing […]
Share Your Work!
You might remember your math teacher telling you that the answer was important but “showing your work” was also part of the points on a test. As it turns out, […]
Spoken Reflections From Tanzania: Hadza Day Six
Spoken Reflections From Tanzania: Ngorongoro to Karatu
During my trip to Tanzania, I used my nature journal and my pocket notebook for drawing and writing and I used my phone for photos, short videos, and audio recordings. […]