Simplify the Complex: Challenge Day 18

How do you capture the complexity of nature on the pages of your nature journal? Today’s Prompt: Simplify the Complex One inevitable challenge when nature journaling is prioritizing. Unfortunately, your […]

Page Layout in Your Nature Journal

Do you think about composition and page layout in your nature journal? Today’s Prompt: Page layout in your nature journal The Wild Wonder Nature Journaling conference is in full swing! […]

Leaf Comparison: Challenge Day Thirteen

Have you ever compared two things in your nature journal? Today’s Prompt: Leaf comparison John Muir Laws, myself, and other teachers talk frequently about the technique called “Joint Comparison.” In […]

Steal Like an Artist: Challenge Day Eleven

How do you feel about stealing ideas? Today’s Prompt: “Steal Like an Artist” Look up one Wild Wonder Teacher and Steal Ideas I can tell you are already having some […]

Watercolor First: Challenge Day Nine

Why would I want to do watercolor first? Today’s Prompt: Watercolor First I have to admit that I  never do this. I always start with the drawing. However, there is […]