Sketchnoting a Class at Wild Wonder: Challenge Day Fifteen

sketch-note at wild wonder

Sketchnoting is the number one way to get more bang for your buck at the Wild Wonder Nature Journaling Conference.

Today’s Prompt: Sketchnote a class at Wild Wonder

How do I  get started? All you have to do is start thinking of sketching as a language just like the written word. Once you start combining doodles and little drawings with your notes you are a sketchnoter! Luckily, many concepts from this amazing field have already been incorporated into nature journaling. The nature journaling community has had sketchnoters like Kate Rutter and MJ Broadbent in our ranks for years. John Muir Laws himself invited Kate to teach some workshops for him way back in 2016 on the topic. They have brought great ideas into our field. More recently, Mike Rohde, author of the Sketchnote Handbook has also participated. Below, you can see my interview with Mike.

Sketchnoting class at Wild Wonder?!

Maybe you feel like you need a class before you can start sketchnoting. If so, you are in luck. Because Kate Rutter is teaching one. Whether you are a total newbie or not this class will be great. From my experience, I can tell you that Kate always puts a lot of thought into her classes. This is one of the classes at the Wild Wonder Conference that will change how you see all the other classes. In fact, my only criticism is that this class is not a mandatory training before the event! You can learn more about her class here:

As mentioned earlier, Mike Rohde is one of the most well know sketchnoters. He spoke at last years nature jouranling conference and I had a chance to interview him shortly thereafter. Check it out below.

But what if I’m completely new to nature journaling?

Regardless of your experience, we got you right here. Below are links to some super resources for beginner nature journalers.

Are you just getting started with Nature Journaling?

Here are tips and motivation for beginners.

Need help choosing supplies?

Where is the 30 day challenge?

If you missed the beginning you can still jump in now. Here is the complete guide.

A thirty day nature journaling challenge with different nature journaling prompts for each day

If you want a PDF for printing: 30 Day Challenge Wild Wonder Nature Journaling


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