Nature Journaling During the Holidays?!

nature journaling during the holidays

What happens to your nature journaling during the holidays? Do you get too busy with buying gifts, preparing food, and family obligations? In addition to the stress of the holidays is the challenging weather this season brings for those in the North. We were on a roll in the summer and early fall yet now we often go for months without seeing our nature journal. Don’t forget that nature journaling burns calories too! Always a selling point during the holidays.

How to Keep Nature Journaling During the Holidays?

There are some strategies to help us during this time of year. However, first it is important to remember all the reasons why this practice is important to us.

  1. First, is Mental Health. The holidays are the worst time of year for mental health. This is sad but true. Luckily, nature journaling benefits our well being in several ways.
  2. Second, it is “Me time”. During the holidays many people sacrifice their own needs for their family. However, to truly be there for your family you need to take care of yourself first. This sounds paradoxical but it is fact and has been studied. In an interview with Heather Crellin she pointed out how nature journaling is the best type of “me time” and should be prioritized.
  3. Lastly, don’t lose momentum. Whenever we stop nature journaling for a period of time we tend to lose momentum. This is especially common during the winter and during the holidays (which happen at the same time in the Northern Hemisphere). Therefore it can take a lot of time and energy to get started again and we often are rusty.

Ok, so how can I keep up my practice?

Luckily, I made a video full of tips for nature journaling during the holidays. Even though it is from a few years ago the tips still apply. Below, you can see a summary of the tips or you can watch the full video right here.

How to Nature Journal During the Holidays

Easy Ideas:

  1. Share your Passion: Even if you don’t actually do nature journaling you can share your pages or spread the idea with your friends and family. If you have a journal with you that would be ideal.
  2. Apply nature journal style thinking: Can you use “I Notice, I wonder, it reminds me of” at the dinner table? Could you practice being curious and asking questions? Maybe these approaches could even help you be more curious and less frustrated with your uncle that always makes inappropriate remarks at the table. You might also be able to coax some of the teenagers off of their cell phones!
  3. Sneak away: I recommend planning at least one outing for yourself in nature. It can also be a zoo or museum. Do some research in advance and carve out sometime for yourself. Bring your nature journal and get away from the family for a bit. Commit to the time and destination before the trip. This works if you are hosting or visiting.

Intermediate Ideas:

  1. Nature Journal in the company of your family: Try to fill some of the “free time” during the holidays by whipping out your nature journal instead of watching TV or killing time. You could even do a recipe sketch or other food nature journaling approach. (see this video for more ideas). Pro Tip: start this first thing at the event so that you will develop a role and people will start to expect it of you. The longer you wait the harder it will be.

Advanced Ideas:

  1. Convert family members to nature journaling: First, be subtle about this and don’t start with expectations. Target children or people who already have creative or nature pursuits. Birders or gardeners are good. Once you identify your targets lead by example. This is always the best way to engage others. When they see you nature journaling they are likely to be curious. Try to explain nature journaling in a way that relates to who they are. For example: fun for kids, and memory enhancing benefits for adults. Adults also like to hear that nature journaling burns calories.
  2. Do a demonstration or organize an outing: Can you offer a nature journaling field trip or workshop in the town you are visiting for the holidays? If not, maybe you can see if there are any nature journaling clubs there already.

But what if I’m completely new to nature journaling?

Regardless of your experience, we got you right here. Below are links to some super resources for beginner nature journalers.

Are you just getting started with Nature Journaling?

Here are tips and motivation for beginners.

Need help choosing supplies?


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    2 Responses

    1. Thanks for these Journaling During the Holidaze tips! Creative and great ideas for everyone whether they are new to NJ or have been journaling for long while.

      1. Hi Deborah! I hope you are able to implement some of the tips and have a great holiday season. It was nice to see you at the patreon members party!

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