Scrapbooking and Nature Journaling

scrapbooking and nature journaling

Scrapbooking and Nature Journaling

Have you ever used scrapbooking techniques in your nature journal? In this video I demonstrate how.

Scrapbooking and nature journaling are two forms of creative expression that allow individuals to document and preserve their experiences and memories. While both activities have some similarities there are some key differences.


  • Definition: Scrapbooking is a creative hobby that involves collecting and arranging various types of memorabilia, such as photos, ticket stubs, and written notes, in a scrapbook album.
  • The purpose is to preserve memories and create a visual representation of events, experiences, and people that are meaningful to the individual.
  • Key elements: Decorative elements, such as stickers, patterned paper, and embellishments, are often used to add interest and creativity to the pages.
  • Focus: Memories and events.
  • Level of creativity: High, with a wide range of creative techniques used, including layering, distressing, and die-cutting.
  • Personalization: Highly personal, with the scrapbook album often created to reflect the individual’s unique experiences and personality.
  • Finished product: A finished scrapbook is often created to preserve memories and to be shared with others as a way of documenting experiences and events.

Nature Journaling:

  • Definition: Nature journaling is a form of artistic expression that involves documenting one’s observations and experiences in the natural world through writing, drawing, and painting.
  • Purpose: To capture the individual’s relationship with the environment and the beauty of the natural world, as well as to document changes over time.
  • Key elements: Detailed illustrations and descriptions, often focused on capturing the beauty and diversity of the natural world.
  • Focus: The individual’s relationship with the environment, including plants, animals, and landscapes.
  • Level of creativity: Can vary, but often focuses on the accuracy of the illustrations and descriptions, and may require a higher level of technical skill.
  • Personalization: Can still be a highly personal activity, but the focus is often on the environment, rather than the individual.
  • Finished product: A finished nature journal is often kept as a personal record of the individual’s observations and experiences in the natural world, and may be shared with others.

Can we combine nature journaling and scrapbooking?

It is worth noting that scrapbooking and nature journaling can also overlap and be combined in various ways. For example, a nature journal may include a scrapbook-style layout with pasted maps, zoo tickets, cut paper, or memorabilia related to an outing. Similarly, a scrapbook may include nature journaling elements, such as detailed illustrations of plants and animals encountered on a trip.

In conclusion, while scrapbooking and nature journaling are both creative activities that allow individuals to document and preserve their experiences and memories, there are some notable differences between the two. Scrapbooking is focused on preserving memories and events. Conversely, nature journaling is focused on capturing the individual’s relationship with the environment and the beauty of the natural world. Additionally, scrapbooking is often more focused on personalization and creativity, while nature journaling is often more focused on observation and curiosity. Ultimately, both activities can provide individuals with a creative way to observe and capture the world around them.

But what if I’m completely new to nature journaling?

Regardless of your experience, we got you right here. Below are links to some super resources for beginner nature journalers.

Are you just getting started with Nature Journaling?

Here are tips and motivation for beginners.

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